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Do you have a pest issue or have seen signs of pests? Our group of professional termite inspection specialists is always ready to respond to any of your concerns. Contact us today for pest control services or to get advice on your pest problem. One of our pest control experts will get back to you as soon as we can.

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We are certified by:

  • Trelona ATBS Installer
  • Selontra Soft Bait Applicator, 
  • T3i Termatrac

We are accredited by: 

  • Termidor HE Applicator 
  • Accredited FIPFORCE HP Termite Control

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Pest Control FAQ's

Getting yearly termite inspections is definitely worth it. Of course, if you are lucky and never get termites, then it might seem like you are paying for nothing. But are you willing to take the risk? What termite inspection and management plan really give you is peace of mind.

The inspector will look at the interior and exterior areas of your home, checking for visible signs of a termite infestation, which include: droppings, broken wings, mud tubes, and damaged wood. The inspector will check your baseboards, walls, windows, crawl spaces, door frames, insides of cabinets and closets.

  • Mud tubesTermites will often make their nest in the soil (moisture source) and then build highways called “mud tubes” that run vertically or otherwise to connect the nest to a wooden food source. Mud tubes are a definite sign of termite infestation, but the absence of mud tubes does not mean that no infestations exist, since there are other ways that termites reach food sources.
  • Damaged wood. Wood with sustained termite damage might look “crushed” at structural joints. If you tap the damaged wood with the end of the screwdriver or knife, you will hear a dull thud. Wood suspected of termite damage can be further inspected by probing the surface with the screwdriver or pocket knife to expose tunnels. Subterranean termites excavate tunnels that run parallel to the grain.
  • Piles of wingsBefore swarmers enter the next stage of development, they will shed their wings which are often left in scattered piles near windows or light sources.
  • Buckling or bubbling paint or brittle drywall.

Your pest inspection report includes information on current and past pest activity. It will also detail any damage or construction faults likely to result in future pest problems, such as drainage issues. It should also include recommendations for pest treatments.

Yes. Building and pest inspections can help safeguard property buyers against investing in fault-ridden properties, as the reports reveal any hidden problems a property may have. The results can give investors peace of mind, with the knowledge that what they’re buying isn’t going to collapse around them.

The inspector will look at the interior and exterior areas of your home, checking for visible signs of a termite infestation, which include: droppings, broken wings, mud tubes, and damaged wood. The inspector will check your baseboards, walls, windows, crawl spaces, door frames, insides of cabinets and closets. Outside your home, the inspector will look at the exterior walls and eaves of the house, and closely examine the foundation. In addition to signs of damage to the wood, the inspector will be on the lookout for mud tubes on the foundation. Having thoroughly inspected the home itself, the inspector will move on to the surrounding property and yard to make sure those areas are not showing signs of termite activity.

It depends on the type of home, but typically between $300 and $700 for a combined building and timber pest (termite) inspection. A typical price for an average home would be around $500.

When you are dealing with an active termite infestation, you should always enlist the help of a professional pest control company rather than treat it yourself.

Preliminary termite treatment will cost around $250-$700 which typically includes spraying, foaming or dusting the area with a termite killer. Baiting is much more expensive, but it is also more effective. This costs upwards of $2000-$3000, however it is longer lasting and works better than other termite treatments.

Use your torch and shine it at a 45-degree angle on the wood in suspect areas to see if the wood shows any irregularities. If you do find any timber that is suspect, probe very gently, as termites are easily disturbed, and they may not return if you are too invasive with your inspection.

  • Discolored or drooping drywall
  • Peeling paint that resembles water damage
  • Wood that sounds hollow when tapped
  • Small, pinpoint holes in drywall
  • Buckling wooden or laminate floor boards
  • Tiles loosening from the added moisture termites can introduce to your floor
  • Excessively squeaky floorboards
  • Crumbling, damaged wood
  • Stuck windows or doors
  • Maze-like patterns in furniture, floor boards or walls
  • Mounds of dry wood termite pellets, often resembling small piles of salt or pepper
  • Piles of wings left behind after swarms, often resembling fish scales
  • Mud tubes climbing the foundation of your home
  • Flying termite swarms anywhere on your property

What is a Termite Warranty? Treating a home for termites, whether it is a treatment for existing damage or pretreatment for new construction, includes a warranty. Most exterminators will offer a one-year warranty. The warranty may state future infestations are covered at no cost to the homeowner.

It’s recommended to have a termite inspection at least once a year, or more often if you live in areas with high termite risk. … Annual termite inspections are essential for early detection of termite activity on the property to prevent the potential for large scale damage and expensive repairs.

Some people call it a termite warranty, but your pest control service likely calls it a bond. The length of the bond varies, but 12 months is usually the minimum, with most lasting two years.

A “clear” report is a report that states that no evidence of wood destroying organism’s infestation or damage was visible and accessible at the time of the inspection

Termidor pricing for termite treatments is dependent on the area and size that you are treating. The average cost of a termite treatment ranges from $1500 to $5000 for most homes.

  1. Taurus SC: Most Popular
  2. Bifen XTS: Best Fast-acting
  3. Spectracide Terminate: Best Bait
  4. Termidor Foam: Best Direct Chemical Treatment

A termite report outlines items that might indicate the presence of termites. That includes visual indicators, like wood dust or tree damage. The report also provides information on any damage or other issues that could lead to an infestation of termites in the future. For example, a report will also note any water leaks, mold, fungus or other substances that could put the integrity of the home in question.

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